Maker Spotlight: Laila Textiles

About Laila Textiles :

Laila Textiles was founded in the Spring of 2018 by textile artist Liz Mortensen. Laila began as a creative project for Liz to explore the movement of slow fashion through natural dyes & plant processes. Liz considers herself a life-long learner & forever on the journey of learning more about design, natural dyes, and the world around her. The many natural colors & designs of the Earth strongly influence her work. 
You can find upcycled garments by Liz right here at WORM. :)

Available at WORM :

Short Sleeve Cyanotype Shirt-WORMShort Sleeve Sage Cyanotype Shirt-WORM 

Long Sleeve Denim Cyanotype Shirt-WORM


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